O-What we do
Our Purpose
According to the Article 2 of Articles of Incorporation, the purpose of JCT is to promote, execute and certify the nation's healthcare quality policies. In addition, JCT also aims to enhance healthcare organizations in their management, promote the harmony between the providers and patients relationship and enhance the nation's healthcare quality.
Core Businesses
According to the Article 4 of Articles of Incorporation, the scope of JCT business includes:
I. To perform the research, planning and execution related healthcare organization accreditation
which commissioned by Department of Health.
II. To assist in conducting healthcare quality assessment and accreditation.
III. To create the data bank on healthcare quality for establishing general quality indicators system.
IV. To organize education and training activities to assisting professionals training.
V. To assist in guiding healthcare organizations in their management.
VI. To publish the books, journals or propaganda materials related to healthcare quality.
VII. To facilitate healthcare quality activities.