Safe Healthcare Environment Advisory Program (SHEAP)
Hospitals and healthcare organizations are considered complex facilities that require high-tech equipment, various chemicals, electrical wiring, food preparation, and management of flammable materials and sources to create a comfortable working and hospitalization environment. Due to such a complex environment and the nature of their roles, healthcare workers are exposed to potential hazards daily. Fire hazards in healthcare include extensive wiring systems, massive electrical needs to operate machinery and equipment, cooking and food preparation, chemicals, and accidental fires. Fire safety has always been a challenge for healthcare facilities for its complexity.
The Safe Healthcare Environment Advisory Program (SHEAP) is a joint program developed and delivered by the Joint Commission of Taiwan (JCT) and the Australian Council on Healthcare Standards International (ACHSI). SHEAP aims to provide international healthcare organizations with the guidance, insights, and expertise to review and improve the care delivery environment and infrastructure. The program is categorized into modules including organizational strategies, environment and infrastructure, drills and training, and contingency response. Each module guides the organization in preventing common risks and responding to problems that may impact the delivery of safe and high-quality care and shown in a below figure. For further information, please contact via
Figure. Modules of Safe Healthcare Environment Advisory Program