Patient Safety Culture (PSC)
Positive patient safety culture (PSC) is the core and foundation of the organization's implementation of patient safety improvement efforts. Evaluating patient safety culture provides healthcare organizations with an opportunity to take deep insight into their internal patient safety risks and respond to observed risks in advance to improve patient safety of the organization.
The JCT developed a patient safety culture scale and has been conducting a national PSC survey since 2009. The PSC survey is adopted from the Safety Attitude Questionnaire (SAQ) developed by Dr. Bryan J. Sexton, which consists of 30 core questions within 6 domains. The domains of the SAQ questionnaire include: “teamwork”, “safety climate”, “job satisfaction”, “stress recognition”, “perception of management” and “work environment”. From 2014, the PSC survey added two more domains of “resilience” and “work-life balance”.
Activities organized to Promote and Enhance Patient Safety Culture